Hell and Mr. Fudge is an 2012 American drama film directed by Jeff Wood and written by Brian Phillip Stoddard. Based on a true story, the film stars Mackenzie Astin as Edward Fudge, an Alabama preacher who has ... read more
Edward Fudge
Sara Faye
Bennie Lee Fudge
Young Edward Fudge
Joe Mark
Mrs. Fudge
Mrs. Herne
Young Joe Mark
Davy Hollis
Don Haloway
Hershel Haigh
Carl Ketcherside
Simon Clarage
Dean Howard
Matt Harper
Cece Haloway
Arvid McGuire
Slapping lady
Robert McCann
95 minutes
United States of America
LLT Productions
D'Artagnan Entertainment
47 days ago
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